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About Broadridge


The New Data-Driven Workplace

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The workplace has changed forever, and the new normal workplace is a very distributed and very remote virtual working environment.

It's something like we've never seen before.

At Broadridge, we've went through this experience with our customers and keeping our systems online and their businesses online with trades flowing and information moving accurately, efficiently and securely, and we were able to do this in highly volatile market conditions.

This instills investor confidence and keeps the global capital markets running every day.

Broadridge did a survey of over 200 industry executives across the banks, asset managers and broker dealers and asked how they wanted to improve their business, how they're operating in this new normal, and what type of automations would actually help them.

In our survey, 80 percent of them, of course, would like to improve their technology and their processing.

They'd like to take advantage of the new platforms that are available.

Only twenty two percent have been successful.

We found the fundamental problem is data.

So with Broadridge consulting services, we've been very active with our clients looking at their data, their transactional data, how they store their data, how they maintain their data, how they manage their enterprise data solutions.

Data has been the key to their digital journey in accelerating their digital journey at a time when they need it most.

This will enable them to be successful to deploy newer technologies like artificial intelligence, like machine learning.

Business has changed and the workplace has changed, possibly forever.

You don't have to do this alone.

Broadridge is ready to help.

Data is key to the customer digital journey. Broadridge Consulting Services helps clients build and execute a strategy for business resilience and digital acceleration so they can successfully deploy newer technologies like AI, machine learning and automated workflows.

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